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Code Arduino from Rasbian with Spirit.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:54 pm
by eldaria
As the title suggest, is it possible to program the Arduino of Spirit directly from Rasbian?

I was first thinking to just loop the USB cable, but was worried I fry something.
Also I would not be able to keep it charged as I do not have any other way than the USB port to power it.

What I mean is; just as I can program the Arduino by connecting it to a computer and using the Arduino IDE, is there an internal connection between them so that I can program it from Raspian?

Re: Code Arduino from Rasbian with Spirit.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:26 am
by esba1ley
I *think* that the Arduino can be programmed via SPI, which means that it's over the GPIO interface, not USB, so the loopback cable wouldn't be needed. In /dev, you can see /dev/ttyAMA0 ... which looks suspiciously like an AVR microcontroller serial interface. But... when I install the arduino IDE, it doesn't recognize the /dev/ttyAMA0 as a viable serial interface... any AVR wizards out there have any suggestions? Kevin?

Re: Code Arduino from Rasbian with Spirit.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:14 pm
by gpvillamil
This would be great to know!

At the very least being able to view the Arduino console would be very helpful. I'd like to be able log sensor readings while it is roaming around, etc.