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Instructions for Dummies - sync errors

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:50 pm
by Mihai
Can someone tell me how to get rid of the sync errors ?
Or at least the correct settings for the IDE ?
Which programmer (I have AVRISP MKii) , which board (Arduino Uno/Genuino Uno), which port speed (default is 9600) ? Any other relevant settings?

I have OSX 10.9 and Arduino 1.6.5.

Red LEDs are blinking on the programmer. I get sync errors; selecting other programmers I may get also "programmer not found". After 10 retries the robot starts up again (motors and LEDs on for some seconds).
Was not able yet to load even the PreLoaded Behaviors.

Re: Instructions for Dummies - sync errors

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:04 am
by PeteM
Hello Mihai,

I run a MacBook Air with OS X 10.10 and now 10.11(beta) and Arduino 1.65

I use the following settings:

Board: Arduino Fio
Port: /dev/cu.usbserial - A90019M1 (this usb port is always at the bottom of the Port list) the number at end may be different for you
Programmer: AVRISPmk11

Things to check - Java installed (I use JAVA 8 Update 60) and driver for FTDI board that plugs into the Ringo - should be FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_3
Also be sure slide switch on Ringo is in on position (towards front of Ringo)otherwise you cannot upload a program to it.


Re: Instructions for Dummies - sync errors

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:58 am
by Mihai
Thanks. It worked!

Re: Instructions for Dummies - sync errors

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:22 pm
by wbp
This is one of my pet peeves with Arduino sketches - would it be so hard to put the IDE settings in the comments at the beginning of the file? I work on a LOT of different Arduino programs, and it seems like every single one assumes you know what Board type to use. What, are we mind readers? The IDE *should* keep this information in the sketch, but it doesn't, and until it does, we need to know!

This seems like such a simple thing, and yet no one does it (well, I do, but I appear to be the exception).

(Rant Off)


Re: Instructions for Dummies - sync errors

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:58 pm
by Kevin

That's a really good suggestion. I never considered adding the settings in the comments at the top. Very good idea. Most Arduino sketches can be loaded onto various boards, so I guess they just assume you'll select the correct board but yea, this would be helpful especially for Ringo.

BTW, it does say in the beginning of the Ringo guide to select the Arduino Fio board so I assumed we were covered but I'll add this in future revs of the sketches.

Regarding the option for selecting "Programmer"... this is very misleading and I wish Arduino would change the name of this option. It doesn't do what you would think it does. The Tools>Programmer section is for using an Arduino board to burn the Arduino bootloader on a second blank chip. For example, using an Uno board with a normal chip onboard to connect to yet a second board with a blank chip, and using that intermediate board to do the burning. Because you can use an Arduino for this (in which case you'd select "Arduino as ISP") you have that option, and the default is "AVRISP MkII". The "AVR ISP MkII" is a stand alone debugger device sold by Atmel that can also be used. FYI - the way we get the bootloader on the fresh Ringo units is by using an AVR ISP MkII, but we load it through Atmel's program "Atmel Studio". We connect the AVR ISP to the 6 pin connector that is non-populated on the programmer we supply.

By selecting a board in the "Boards" drop down, we're telling Arduino which chip to compile the sketch for, and we're also telling it what bootloader to expect to be on that board, which selects which baud rate to use when transferring data to the target. The IC on the programmer board is just a USB to Serial converter. Your computer basically tells it "hey, I'm going to send you a bunch of data - send it out the other side at the following baud rate", which it then does. The bootloader on the target processor (inside Ringo) is set to accept incoming data at a set rate, so if it tries to load at the wrong baud rate, the receiving processor can't understand the data.

We selected the "Fio" because the actual Fio board by Arduino is an Uno set to run at 3.3v and 8 MHz, which is how Ringo is setup.
